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Rowling's Harry Potter novels about the title character and boy sorcerer. TV by the Numbers. Retrieved October 29, 2015.
Retrieved December 10, 2015. Cmovies is not responsible for the accuracy, compliance, copyright, legality, decency, or any other aspect of the content of other linked sites.
- Well, there are no shadows, not anymore.
No old characters have been revived as of yet, well, except for…read on. It appears to be just another day in Beverly Hills with celebrity Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt getting her hair, oh so perfectly done by her beautician Mr. Gallant played by Evan Peters. She gets a call from her father in Hong Kong, and she learns right there and then on her cell phone, Hong Kong is gone. She frantically calls her husband Brock Billy Eichner, both played kooky gun-loving spouses last season. She darts there with her assistant Mallory Billie Lourd , Gallant and his Nanna played by Joan Collins. The plane takes off and the gang witnesses a mushroom cloud on the ground, not to mention their plane is on autopilot. But as they learn of the nuclear war, a team of suited feds — The Cooperative — come to collect young Timothy with a SWAT team. Wilhemina Venable Sarah Paulson aka the strongest right arm of the Cooperative. Above ground, gas mask soldiers patrol, who are all dressed like the Imperial spy Long Snoot who patrols outside the cantina in Star Wars. During act 3 we see that Emily and Timothy are among the characters we met at the onset, most of who don purple colonial fashion — Coco, Mr. Their accommodations are fancy with marble floors, bookcases and walls, yet dark and candle-lit. Food is sparse, everyone is confined to one piece of vitamin Jello when seated for dinner. Miriam Mead, a right hand of sorts to Venable smells a rat — someone has been upstairs on the contaminated ground as her Geiger counter reveals. Mead shoots the gentleman next to Gallant in the head, freaking him out. Emily and Timothy meanwhile fall for each other. And then in the final moment the payoff: Michael Langdon not to be confused with former NBC angel Michael Landon from Highway to Heaven played by Cody Fern. This season of AHS looks to be playing it straight for the mythology of it all. Those first three episodes of Cult were truly electric. Some will argue that Murphy and Co. Hopefully, more is in store here with Apocalypse to keep mouths dropping.
Retrieved December 13, 2013. TV by the Numbers. Retrieved October 15, 2015. TV by the Numbers. Retrieved September 15, 2016. TV by the Numbers. A young girl, Zoe, is shattered to discover she possesses a strange genetic affliction tracing back to the dark days of Salem. Retrieved October 18, 2018. Archived from on October 25, 2014. Gray Del 21, 2015 2015-01-21 4ATS13 3. TV by the Numbers. Retrieved January 24, 2014.
Do you own an iphone or an ipod? What memory does it remind you of?
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100 Funny Icebreaker Questions - Do you also give your time or just money?
A Guy usually is going to figure out where he will take you on your date and what he is going to wear. He may even decide he needs to wash his car or truck for the occasion. Weather you are going on a date or just hanging out with your friends or new guests at the party, ice breaker questions will help you get to know one other. Icebreakers should be relaxing and non-threatening. They should not embarrass the participants and not show disrespect for any social and professional hierarchies. Pick and choose the questions that you want to know about someone. These are not a marathon game of questions, just ice breakers to get the conversation going so you can get to know one another. Ice Breaker Questions 1. What is your astrological sign? What is your favorite cuisine? What is your favorite meal? What is your favorite dessert? Do you have siblings? Are your siblings older or younger than you? Where do you work and what do you do there? Are you a pet dog or cat person? How close are you to your siblings, besides being siblings are they also your best friends? Are you close to your parents? What the car or truck you would like the most to own? That type of thing. How would you rate this restaurant? How would you rate this place as a date place? When is your birthday? What is your favorite holiday? What is your usual choice of beverage? What does health and fitness mean to you? What holiday no longer holds the meaning for you that it used to? What is your usual breakfast? What TV character are you most like and why? What foods do you not like and will not eat? What are the most important qualities in a friend for you? What do you normally look for in a relationship? Are you looking for a relationship? Which season is your most favorite? Which season is your least favorite? What is your favorite flower? What is your favorite color? What is the one household chore that you absolutely hate doing? Do you prefer to live in the country or the city? What is your favorite thing to do on your day off? Are you a practical joker? How do you like surprises? Is the job you have the kind of work you wish to be doing? Are you the life of the party or a wallflower? Are you a morning or a night person? Are you a good driver? Do you know how to cook? Did your parents teach you how to do laundry? What was your favorite after school and summer job? Which one was your least favorite? Would you like to go to college? Do you prefer the performing arts or would you rather go to an amusement park? Which would you like better, a quiet night in or dine out and a movie? What do you think is the best way to handle someone who is picking a fight with you? What exercises do you prefer? Are you outdoor or indoor person? Which is your choice, diamonds or pearls? Which teacher in school was the biggest influence on your life and why? What are your best and worst qualities? Do you have any special talent? Do you think everyone deserves a second chance? What is your stance on the death penalty? What is your preference of travel; plane, train, or auto? Which would you rather do, go horse riding or 4 wheeling? What do you think when it comes to the supernatural? Do you believe it? Where would you go and why? What is your opinion on technology, has it gone too far or not far enough? Which illness would you cure if you could only cure one? What is the one thing you want to accomplish most? What is the one thing you want do the most before you die? How would you handle a dispute with a neighbor regarding property lines? What is your religion? Do you still practice? What would you do to protect a family member? How about a friend? Have you ever been in trouble with the law, even a minor problem? If you could have a do over for one day only, what day would it be? Do you see yourself being a parent? If so, how many kids would you want? What would you do if you saw someone commit a serious crime? If you were driving through the country and came across someone who was stranded, would you stop and help them? If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? When was the last time you were on a date? Are you an organ donor? If you could save the life of a complete stranger by donating a portion of your liver or a kidney, would you do it? Have you ever had a serious illness where you were hospitalized? Are you punctual or habitually late? Have you ever had a nightmare, night after night until you spoke to someone about it? Do you believe dreams are the result of the subconscious trying to work out problems or just dreams? If you were stranded on an island all alone and could have one thing with you, what would that one thing be? If you could change one law, which one would it be? What is your morning routine? What are your goals in life? Would you consider putting your parent s in a nursing home? Are smokers a problem for you? Who is your favorite author? Which book would you recommend by your favorite author? Do you like actual books or electronic books better? Are there any magazines you subscribe to? Is it for food or sport? Are you into the whole organic food thing? Do you believe everything printed in the newspaper or that you hear on the news, tv or radio? Or do you ask questions and do research? Social media, yes or no? How much time to do you spend on it every day? How often do you check and post on social media? What is your favorite way to celebrate your birthday? Do you decorate inside, outside or both for any of the holidays? Can you tell me about your worst nightmare? If you could trade lives with anyone, who would you choose to trade it with? How important is money to you? Is enough to pay the bills, have a little left for fun money good enough for you or do you want more? What do you think is better ,a college education or a trade such as plumbing, carpentry, etc.? Do you think traditional medicine is the only way to go or do you think combining holistic medicine with traditional medicine works better? What country would you like to visit? Are you still close to your childhood best friend? Have you lost touch with anyone from school that you wish you could get in touch with now? What is the best way to deal with disagreements? Do you work them out right away or let them build up until you explode? Have you ever hit a woman? Is there any situation that it would be ok to hit a woman? What is one thing you have always wanted to try? Do you like to dance? Is there a type of dance you prefer to do? Are there any outdoor activities you like? Is your job something you love to do or is it just a stop on the way to the job you really want? What do you think of politics? Which political party do you think best fits your ideas on how things should be? If you are in trouble or have problems with a relationship, who do you talk to? Whose opinion matters to you? Would you rather work for yourself or someone else? Are you a procrastinator? How many different places have you been to? Which places were your favorites? What is one habit you have kicked that you are proud of getting over? If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would that be? What do you think is the hardest part about meeting someone on a first date? What is your favorite saying? Have you ever broken the law even minor? Are you a half full half empty glass type of person? Are you mechanically handy or do you hire someone to get it done? Do you think men should open doors for women? Are you the jealous type? How would you handle the situation if you had a party and someone who had too much to drink wanted to drive home? Do you think women should be self-sufficient when it comes to their homes and cars when it comes to repairs either do repair themselves or hire someone to get it done? Have you ever been in financial trouble? Do you stick to a budget? Do you play hooky from work for any reason? Have you ever taken anything from work home with you for your own personal use? Can you roll with the changes or do they upset you? Are you scared that there may be another major terrorist attack? Do you trust the government to keep us secure from terrorist attacks? Are you a conspiracy theorist? How much time do you spend on Facebook every day? Do you have a plan for retirement? A set age, what and where you will go and do when you retire? How much money it will take? Do you save some of your pay for an emergency fund? Of all your possessions which one is the one you treasure most? What is your definition of a meaningful relationship? What makes you feel safe? How do you drink coffee, cream and sugar or black? How many pairs of shoes do you own? Do you have a code you live by? Are you a shopaholic? Is there anything you would feel right about protesting? Do you believe in fate, karma? What is one of the most fun things you and your roommate have done? What is your notion of a good time? Casual or formal dress, which is the one you like most dressing in? What is a real turn off for you? What sport would you play if you were a pro athlete? When it comes to a friend, what is the most important quality? What kind of dinner, social setting, or party is out of your comfort zone? How many relationships have you had? How many times have you been in love? What hobbies do you have? What is your ultimate date movie? Do you collect anything? Have you ever dated more than one person at a time? What would you do if you found a large sum of money in either a briefcase or wallet? If you could change one law what would it be? What are your favorite snacks for tv or game night? Is there an ex you would consider getting back together with? What is one thing that irritates you the most? What do you think you should or would do if you knew someone was selling or making drugs? How long after you start dating do you introduce the person to your friends and family? Would you rather work for yourself or someone else? Have you had any surgeries? Do you have any birthmarks? If you get lost on a trip, do you ask for directions? What is your favorite cookie? What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Do you have any talents? Which birthday party was your favorite? What is your favorite mixed drink? Are you a neat freak or slightly messy? Do you have any medical issues that you take medications for? Do you have any scars? How did you get them? Have you ever been involved in an auto accident? Do you like thunderstorms? What is your opinion on turning off tv when you get company? What charities do you donate to? Do you also give your time or just money? Do you think you will become the person that you want to be? Who is the person you want to be? Are you willing to fight for your country? What would you do if discovered that one of your family members was a wanted murderer? Do you wake up ready to talk or do you want to be left alone? How many cups of coffee does it take you to get moving? What do you consider your biggest weakness? What is your biggest strength? Do you have a short fuse? Do you pay attention to the price that rings up at the register? Something you would do? Are you one of those people who is constantly posting selfies? What is one thing you did with your dad when you were growing up? Did you and your mom have anything special that just the two of you did together when you were growing up? What is your favorite pizza as far as toppings? If you could have 3 wishes what would they be? If you wanted to create a new identity for yourself, how would you do that? How would that identity differ from who you are? What is your favorite thing to cook or bake? Do you enjoy massages? What area do you most enjoy massaged? If you had to go on the run, what is one thing you would want to take with you? Do you like camping? What is your nickname if you have one? Would you ever live in NY City? Why or why not? Do you get upset when you lose? What song fits your life as a theme at the moment? What is your favorite game to play at parties? Do you believe in love at first sight, soulmates, or true love? Do you use vitamins and supplements for help maintaining health and fitness? Did you continue your education past high school with college or trade school? Who in your personal life is the one you admire most and why? What would you go without to save money? Do you have any Christmas movies that you watch every season? What makes you really laugh? Do you have an interest that you have never really pursued? What is the first thing you do to relax when you get home from work? What is your favorite item of clothing? What do you like most to see the other sex in? Are you a leader or a follower? What condiment do you use the most? Do you believe it is important to communicate with your partner? What do you think is the best way to keep communication open? Do you eat salads often? What type of dressing do you use? Is there a major experience you had that made you who you are today? Tell me about it. Did you know who did it? Have you ever been to the seashore? How did it make you feel to stand on the beach and look out at the ocean? What in nature makes you feel small? You may also like our article: If you just started dating someone, you can ask a set of questions on the first date and when you get to the second and third date, ask a few more of these questions each time, and any time after that when you are together and you will get to really know the person you are seeing. It is also a good way to learn how to communicate with each other, and communication is the key to any good and lasting relationship.
Speed dating, icebreakers and PowerPoint
What memory custodes it remind you of. What shocks or offends you. Plan group outings with an online sign up. Handle with caution 7. You've got to stand out. Lisa Schneider - Collierville, TN Are you at a dinner party with people you just met. It is north to listen without judgment. This website uses cookies As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things.
Do you glower thinking of your elderly relatives watching... Think about it in terms of pop music. Men should keep their real names, addresses, phone numbers and even specific address of their offices.
By 2009, half of all straight couples still met through friends or at a bar or restaurant, but 22 percent met online, and all other sources had shrunk. Remarkably, almost 70 percent of gay and lesbian couples met online, according to the Stanford sociologist , who compiled this data.
5 facts about online dating - Last year a woman who had bought a ring for £10 in a car boot sale, and worn it since the Eighties, decided to get it valued. Steven Gerrard believes that his Rangers team are good enough to beat Aberdeen tomorrow and win a...
The peer who named as an alleged sex pest is embroiled in a row after it emerged that he is a paid adviser to the law firm that opposed the injunction. The peer who named as an alleged sex pest is embroiled in a row after it emerged that he is a paid adviser to... One in ten patients has had depression diagnosed, as the condition overtakes obesity on GP records for the first time. Depression is noted by doctors almost twice as often as it was five years ago as more attention is paid to mental health, according to official data. It is the largest growing illness recorded by GPs, up a percentage point... One in ten patients has had depression diagnosed, as the condition overtakes obesity on GP records for the first time. Depression is noted by doctors almost twice as often as it was five years ago as more attention is paid to mental health, according to official data. It is the largest growing illness recorded by GPs, up a percentage point... One in ten patients has had depression diagnosed, as the condition overtakes obesity on GP records for the first time. Does your dog go Bach-ing mad on Bonfire Night? One radio station thinks it has the answer. The rising number of complaints from pet owners about cacophonous firework displays has prompted Classic FM to commission a programme of music to keep anxious... Does your dog go Bach-ing mad on Bonfire Night? Does your dog go Bach-ing mad on Bonfire Night? A total of 18,647 emergency and non-emergency procedures due to be performed on under-18s were... A total of 18,647 emergency and non-emergency procedures due to be performed on under-18s were... The Royal College of... The Royal College of... WEEKEND ESSAY The 1980s gave us Blade Runner and The Terminator as visions of a dystopian future of surveillance, artificial intelligence gone awry and deadly cyborgs and replicants. In the same decade Mark Weiser, a balding computer scientist for Xerox, was... The 1980s gave us Blade Runner and The Terminator as visions of a dystopian future of... The 1980s gave us Blade Runner and The Terminator as visions of a dystopian future of... Like a game of holy Top Trumps, more than 2,000 churches in England have been compared and rated for their... Like a game of holy Top Trumps, more than 2,000 churches in England have been compared and rated... Like a game of holy Top Trumps, more than 2,000 churches in England have been compared and rated... A hammer-wielding suspect has been arrested on suspicion of attempting to steal a copy of Magna Carta from Salisbury... A hammer-wielding suspect has been arrested on suspicion of attempting to steal a copy of Magna... A hammer-wielding suspect has been arrested on suspicion of attempting to steal a copy of Magna... Cocktail lovers driving the gin boom may do better to stick with cheaper supermarket spirits than buy big brands... Cocktail lovers driving the gin boom may do better to stick with cheaper supermarket spirits than... Cocktail lovers driving the gin boom may do better to stick with cheaper supermarket spirits than... The Times Diary The cricket season may be over but competition still burns fiercely in the Authors XI, a team that has its roots in... The cricket season may be over but competition still burns fiercely in the Authors XI, a team... The cricket season may be over but competition still burns fiercely in the Authors XI, a team... Saturday interview How many Nobel prize-winning scientists does it take to change the course of Brexit? How many Nobel prize-winning scientists does it take to change the course of Brexit? How many Nobel prize-winning scientists does it take to change the course of Brexit? Tractors could be banned from a new generation of A-roads to improve safety and increase traffic speeds. Highways England is planning to convert a small number of dual carriageways into motorway-standard roads on which... Tractors could be banned from a new generation of A-roads to improve safety and increase traffic speeds. Highways England is planning to convert a small number of dual carriageways into motorway-standard roads on which... Tractors could be banned from a new generation of A-roads to improve safety and increase traffic speeds. A multibillion government plan to build hundreds of miles of roads will be announced in the budget, The Times has learnt. Philip Hammond is expected to outline a programme to upgrade and maintain motorways and key A-roads over... A multibillion government plan to build hundreds of miles of roads will be announced in the budget, The Times has learnt. Philip Hammond is expected to outline a programme to upgrade and maintain motorways and key A-roads over... A multibillion government plan to build hundreds of miles of roads will be announced in the budget, The Times has... LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Sir, I expect that many will consider the naming of Sir Philip Green in parliament under the protection of privilege as laudable. While being no fan of Sir Philip, I would, however, urge caution. The injunction that was granted by the Court of... Sir, I expect that many will consider the naming of Sir Philip Green in parliament under the... Sir, I expect that many will consider the naming of Sir Philip Green in parliament under the... Now the leaves are really changing colour. The beech trees, which have had a yellow tint, are starting to acquire their majestic autumn shades — gold, orange, purple and a lustrous bronze. These varied colours will be intermingled everywhere among the foliage, with patches of green still to be seen among them. Eventually they will form deep, long-lasting carpets under the trees. Hornbeam leaves turn more evenly yellow and drop, when the moment comes, in a shower like rain. They have their seeds, boxed together like little Chinese lanterns, hanging among them. Sycamore trees are in many shades of yellow. Along riversides, crack willows are spangled with long, yellow, fish-like leaves that will tumble on to towpaths and into the water. Oak trees in fields and woods are still mostly green, although they have small clusters of brown leaves showing on them. Birthdays tomorrow Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of Iran 2005-13 , 62; Jane Alexander, actress, Kramer vs Kramer 1979 , 79; Marian Bell, economist, member of the monetary policy committee, Bank of England 2002-05 , 61; Howard Blake, composer, The Snowman 1982 , 80; Andrew Bridgen, Conservative MP for North West Leicestershire, 54; Prof Valentine Cunningham, emeritus fellow and lecturer in English, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 74; Lucy Bronze, footballer, Olympique Lyonnais Féminin, Manchester City WFC 2014-17 and England, 27; Prof Sir David Davies, president, Royal Academy of Engineering 1996-2001 , 83; Carl Davis, composer and conductor, 82; David Dimbleby, presenter, Question Time BBC, since 1994 , 80; Caroline Dinenage, Conservative MP for Gosport, minister for care, 47; Bernie Ecclestone, chief executive, Formula One Group, 1978-2017 , 88; Dennis Franz, actor, NYPD Blue 1995-2003 , 74; Bill Gates, co-founder 1975 , Microsoft, and philanthropist, 63; Mark Haddon, novelist, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 2003 , 56; Lord Alexander Hesketh, treasurer, Conservative Party 2003-06 , owner of Hesketh Racing 1972-78 , 68; Peter Hitchens, journalist and author, 67; Maro Itoje, rugby union player, Saracens and England, 24; Caitlyn Jenner, formerly known as Bruce Jenner, Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete 1976 , 69; Lord Digby Jones of Birmingham, director-general CBI 2000-06 , 63; Nick Kuenssberg, chairman, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and Social Investment Scotland, Glasgow School of Art 2003-10 , 76; Dame Cleo Laine, singer, Jazz Matters 2010 , 91; Kevin Macdonald, film director, The Last King of Scotland 2006 , 51; Hank Marvin, guitarist with the Shadows, Apache 1960 , 77; Sophie Mirman, co-founder 1983 , Sock Shop, 62; Frank Ocean, singer-songwriter, Blonde 2016 , 31; Joaquin Phoenix, actor, Walk the Line 2005 , 44; Dame Joan Plowright Baroness Olivier , actress, The Entertainer 1960 , 89; Prof Stewart Purvis, chief executive, ITN 1995-2003 , 71; Julia Roberts, actress, Pretty Woman 1990 , 51; Lord Bill Rodgers of Quarry Bank, Liberal Democrat leader in the House of Lords 1997-2001 , 90; Caroline Rookes, chief executive, Money Advice Service 2013-17 , 64; Matt Smith, actor, Doctor Who 2010-14 , 36; Sandra Smith, head of conservation, Victoria and Albert Museum, 56; David Warburton, Conservative MP for Somerton and Frome, 53; Miyako Yoshida, principal dancer, Royal Ballet 1995-2010 , 53. Huddled under a blanket with two of her children in the open market square of Mapastepec... Huddled under a blanket with two of her children in the open market square of Mapastepec... The US ordered hundreds of troops to harden its border with Mexico last night as President Trump considered signing a... The US ordered hundreds of troops to harden its border with Mexico last night as President Trump considered signing a decree to stop migrants making asylum claims. The White House has prepared an executive order for the president that would prevent the migrants in the caravan, mostly from Honduras, Guatemala and El... The US ordered hundreds of troops to harden its border with Mexico last night as President Trump considered signing a decree to... Roy Orbison is touring the United States, a ghostly projection of Michael Jackson has appeared in Las Vegas and a... Roy Orbison is touring the United States, a ghostly projection of Michael Jackson has appeared in... Roy Orbison is touring the United States, a ghostly projection of Michael Jackson has appeared in... The Greek holiday island of Zakynthos has been struck by a powerful earthquake, making roads impassable, damaging... The Greek holiday island of Zakynthos has been struck by a powerful earthquake, making roads... The Greek holiday island of Zakynthos has been struck by a powerful earthquake, making roads... NEWS IN BRIEF Sydney Two male penguins who paired up at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium have become proud parents. Sphen and Magic, of the... Sydney Two male penguins who paired up at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium have become proud parents. Sydney Two male penguins who paired up at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium have become proud parents. Underwhelming results from Amazon and Alphabet, the owner of Google, have extended the rout on global stock markets despite figures showing the American economy is in robust health. Markets in the US, Europe and Asia are on course for their worst month since the financial crisis. Underwhelming results from Amazon and Alphabet, the owner of Google, have extended the rout on global stock markets despite figures showing the American economy is in robust health. Markets in the US, Europe and Asia are on course for their worst month since the financial crisis. Underwhelming results from Amazon and Alphabet, the owner of Google, have extended the rout on global stock markets despite... Three women pensioners have won a court battle against Lloyds that will force the bank to ensure that men and women have the same benefits under its pensions scheme in a ruling that could cost British businesses £20 billion. Three women pensioners have won a court battle against Lloyds that will force the bank to ensure that men and women have the same benefits under its pensions scheme in a ruling that could cost British businesses £20 billion. Three women pensioners have won a court battle against Lloyds that will force the bank to ensure that men and women have the... The boss of Royal Bank of Scotland has apologised to the Treasury select committee chairwoman after earlier rejecting her accusation that he misled MPs. The boss of Royal Bank of Scotland has apologised to the Treasury select committee chairwoman... The boss of Royal Bank of Scotland has apologised to the Treasury select committee chairwoman... BUSINESS COMMENTARY This Brexit malarkey better be good. Look at the extra costs for business. This Brexit malarkey better be good. Look at the extra costs for business. This Brexit malarkey better be good. Look at the extra costs for business. There is a delightful symmetry, not to mention irony, in the new borrowing forecasts expected... There is a delightful symmetry, not to mention irony, in the new borrowing forecasts expected... Chris Marsh, 44, a director of the company since... Hundreds of thousands of tax-free savers with National Savings and Investments face a fall in returns after the Treasury-owned bank announced that a popular account would track the less generous measure of inflation. Hundreds of thousands of tax-free savers with National Savings and Investments face a fall in returns after the Treasury-owned bank announced that a popular account would track the less generous measure of inflation. Hundreds of thousands of tax-free savers with National Savings and Investments face a fall in returns after the... Royal Bank of Scotland has surprised shareholders with a £100 million charge for potential losses caused by Brexit. The state-controlled bank also took a £60 million hit for bad loans in its Irish business, which it is trying... Royal Bank of Scotland has surprised shareholders with a £100 million charge for potential losses caused by Brexit. The state-controlled bank also took a £60 million hit for bad loans in its Irish business, which it is trying... Royal Bank of Scotland has surprised shareholders with a £100 million charge for potential losses caused by Brexit. France has postponed a decision on whether to order more nuclear reactors in an indication that it may be losing faith in the technology it has sold to Britain. François de Rugy, the ecology minister, rejected calls for the swift launch of the... France has postponed a decision on whether to order more nuclear reactors in an indication that... France has postponed a decision on whether to order more nuclear reactors in an indication that... RACING new Winx tripped lightly on to the stage of equine sporting greatness yesterday at Moonee Valley when she won a record... Winx tripped lightly on to the stage of equine sporting greatness yesterday at Moonee Valley when she won a record fourth consecutive Cox Plate eclipsing the feat of another hero of the Australian turf Kingston Town and justifying being bracketed with the formidable Phar Lap and Black Caviar as one of the finest of... Winx tripped lightly on to the stage of equine sporting greatness yesterday at Moonee Valley when she won a record fourth... Football oliver kay As he emerged from the dressing room at the Estadio Benito Villarmarín in Seville 12 days ago, radiating the... As he emerged from the dressing room at the Estadio Benito Villarmarín in Seville 12 days ago... As he emerged from the dressing room at the Estadio Benito Villarmarín in Seville 12 days ago... RUGBY UNION BEN KAY When I look back on my time as a player, what I remember most prominently is how much of a treadmill the season was. When I look back on my time as a player, what I remember most prominently is how much of a... When I look back on my time as a player, what I remember most prominently is how much of a... The Game Daily James Gheerbrant Be honest: did Julen Lopetegui ever strike you as anything other than an eminently sackable Real Madrid manager? Be honest: did Julen Lopetegui ever strike you as anything other than an eminently sackable Real... Be honest: did Julen Lopetegui ever strike you as anything other than an eminently sackable Real... The mayor of Greater Manchester is now involved, and quite right. The problem of getting... The mayor of Greater Manchester is now involved, and quite right. The problem of getting... I would play twice and train three or four times a week, that meant I could pretty much eat what I wanted. But when I stopped playing football, I continued to eat the same way but... Kerry Sexton When I was younger, I used to play a lot of football. I would play twice and... Kerry Sexton When I was younger, I used to play a lot of football. I would play twice and... Alex Lozowski still does not know whether he will be able to play for England against South... Alex Lozowski still does not know whether he will be able to play for England against South... Rugby union Ruck podcast England fans buoyed by the fallibility of New Zealand in their two most recent Tests against South Africa should... England fans buoyed by the fallibility of New Zealand in their two most recent Tests against... England fans buoyed by the fallibility of New Zealand in their two most recent Tests against... Supreme Court Published: October 27, 2018 Darnley v Croydon Health Services NHS Trust... Supreme Court Published: October 27, 2018 Darnley v Croydon Health Services NHS Trust... Kensington Palace 26th October, 2018 The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were received this morning... Kensington Palace 26th October, 2018 The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were received this morning... It was a role for which she was well placed. Milly had jet-black hair, which she never dyed, glowing skin and few wrinkles. Answering a curious presenter on the TV programme... It was a role for which... It was a role for which... INVESTMENT The decline in deposit account rates and the increased volatility of stock markets is spurring a rise in mini bonds that offer rates as high as 8 per cent to savers willing to finance growing businesses. The decline in deposit account rates and the increased volatility of stock markets is spurring a... The decline in deposit account rates and the increased volatility of stock markets is spurring a... Last year a woman who had bought a ring for £10 in a car boot sale, and worn it since the Eighties, decided to get it valued. Do you have a fortune lurking in your attic? An inherited painting or piece of jewellery that you are wondering whether to insure or sell? Last year a woman who had bought a ring for £10 in a car boot sale, and worn it since the Eighties, decided to get it valued. MILLENNIAL MONEY Do you begrudge older people their free bus passes? Do you glower thinking of your elderly relatives watching... Do you begrudge older people their free bus passes? Do you glower thinking of your elderly... Do you begrudge older people their free bus passes? Do you glower thinking of your elderly... PORTFOLIO THERAPY Shreyansh Jain, 32, is a software consultant who lives with his wife, Ankita, in a £325,000 house in St Neots, Cambridgeshire. He earns £75,000 a year in his full-time job and the couple earn £25,000 a year from two buy-to-let properties they own. Shreyansh Jain, 32, is a software consultant who lives with his wife, Ankita, in a £325,000 house... Shreyansh Jain, 32, is a software consultant who lives with his wife, Ankita, in a £325,000 house... The downward slide in UK stocks this week was overshadowed by heavy falls in global markets, as investors were... The downward slide in UK stocks this week was overshadowed by heavy falls in global markets, as... The downward slide in UK stocks this week was overshadowed by heavy falls in global markets, as... INVESTMENT October has hardly been a month for investors to celebrate, but there is good news if you look for it. October has hardly been a month for investors to celebrate, but there is good news if you look... October has hardly been a month for investors to celebrate, but there is good news if you look... CURRENT AFFAIRS American capitalism, probably the most powerful force for advancing prosperity in the span of human history, seems to be going through a crisis of confidence. At home, historically large numbers of Americans are expressing profound dissatisfaction... American capitalism, probably the most powerful force for advancing prosperity in the span of... American capitalism, probably the most powerful force for advancing prosperity in the span of... Reacher fans, relax: Child at least partly makes... EVERYONE'S TALKING ABOUT Why? I have, I say. I have, I say. I have, I say. A survey by the organic flour brand Doves Farm has found that nearly half of us have never baked a cake and, more shaming still, over a... If you thought that the Great British Bake Off frenzy proved us to be a nation of budding bakers... If you thought that the Great British Bake Off frenzy proved us to be a nation of budding bakers... Sitting on top of an otherwise bare hillside, this scrappy handful of pines is a favourite landmark for... Julia Bradbury, TV presenter Pines on Colmers Hill, Dorset There are many trees I love, but... Julia Bradbury, TV presenter Pines on Colmers Hill, Dorset There are many trees I love, but... More than ash or elm, the oak symbolises this... More than ash or elm, the oak symbolises this country. It is our tallest, noblest, most remarkable native tree. Spreading its boughs across the centuries, it was used by the druids as a canopy for ceremonies and by Robin Hood for shelter. More than ash or elm, the oak symbolises this country. As we embark on the long tasting menu at El Campero restaurant in the Spanish coastal town of... As we embark on the long tasting menu at El Campero restaurant in the Spanish coastal town of... Or, in non-whisky speak, sniffing — with my... I am trying a spot of retronasal olfaction as part of a tutored nosing. Or, in non-whisky speak... I am trying a spot of retronasal olfaction as part of a tutored nosing. Or, in non-whisky speak... GROUP HOLIDAYS 1 Fenton Tower Kingston, East Lothian Make it a Christmas to remember with a week in this extraordinary 16th-century tower 20 miles outside Edinburgh. Grand enough to feel suitably baronial without being overwhelmingly over-the-top, Fenton has... Scotland will travel to Cardiff a week today to play Wales for the Doddie Weir Cup, which has been donated by the Welsh Rugby Union... Scotland will travel to Cardiff a week today to play Wales for the Doddie Weir Cup, which has been donated by the Welsh Rugby Union... Scottish universities have been urged to cut ties with Saudi Arabia over allegations that it killed a journalist. Salah Muhammad al-Tubaigy, a former Glasgow University student, is one of 15 people linked to the death of Jamal Khashoggi, a critic of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. A number of institutions have links to the regime... Scottish universities have been urged to cut ties with Saudi Arabia over allegations that it killed a journalist. Salah Muhammad al-Tubaigy, a former Glasgow University student, is one of 15 people linked to the death of Jamal Khashoggi, a critic of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. A number of institutions have links to the regime... Scottish universities have been urged to cut ties with Saudi Arabia over allegations that it killed a journalist. A man who tried to kill a golfer with a chainsaw has been jailed for eight years. Arthur Innes, 61, was at Caird Park Golf Club in Dundee in May when Joe Brown, whom he did not know, drove up beside him, leapt out and attacked him with a chainsaw. Brown, 45, was semi-naked. A man who tried to kill a golfer with a chainsaw has been jailed for eight years. A man who tried to kill a golfer with a chainsaw has been jailed for eight years. An investigation into the independent review on mesh implants has uncovered a series of failures in the way it was conducted. An investigation into the independent review on mesh implants has uncovered a series of failures in the way it was conducted. An investigation into the independent review on mesh implants has uncovered a series of failures in the way it was... Thousands of teachers from across Scotland are expected to march in Glasgow today to demand improvements to their salary and working conditions. The rally, organised by the Educational Institute of Scotland EIS , the largest... Thousands of teachers from across Scotland are expected to march in Glasgow today to demand improvements to their salary and working conditions. The rally, organised by the Educational Institute of Scotland EIS , the largest... Thousands of teachers from across Scotland are expected to march in Glasgow today to demand improvements to their... Social media users can now distinguish between genuine accounts based in Scotland and hostile automated bots created elsewhere thanks to a website launched today. Alyn Smith, an SNP MEP, is behind www. Social media users can now distinguish between genuine accounts based in Scotland and hostile automated bots created elsewhere thanks to a website launched today. Alyn Smith, an SNP MEP, is behind www. Social media users can now distinguish between genuine accounts based in Scotland and hostile automated bots created... Football Steven Gerrard believes that his Rangers team are good enough to beat Aberdeen tomorrow and win a place in the... Steven Gerrard believes that his Rangers team are good enough to beat Aberdeen tomorrow and win a... Steven Gerrard believes that his Rangers team are good enough to beat Aberdeen tomorrow and win a... Graham spiers Everyone has a preference in football. Everyone has a preference in football. Everyone has a preference in football. Campaigners say that the new automatic ban for drink drivers will not be effective unless offenders are compelled to hand over their licence. Almost two thirds of drivers disqualified so far this year for exceeding the maximum number of penalty points failed to hand over their licence for... Campaigners say that the new automatic ban for drink drivers will not be effective unless offenders are compelled to hand over their licence. Almost two thirds of drivers disqualified so far this year for exceeding the maximum number of penalty points failed to hand over their licence for... Campaigners say that the new automatic ban for drink drivers will not be effective unless offenders are compelled to hand over... The taoiseach used the visit to the Apprentice Boys of Derry to speak about Brexit and North-South co-operation. The taoiseach used the visit to the Apprentice Boys of Derry to speak about Brexit and North-South co-operation. The memorial event has been criticised by relatives of the nine Shankill bomb victims who gathered to remember their loved... Mary Lou McDonald has defended Sinn Féin members who plan to attend a commemoration of Thomas... Mary Lou McDonald has defended Sinn Féin members who plan to attend a commemoration of Thomas... Nurses are being offered 20 per cent more money to work for agencies in the public health service than if they were directly employed by the HSE, a union has claimed. The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation INMO said the statistic indicates... Nurses are being offered 20 per cent more money to work for agencies in the public health service... Nurses are being offered 20 per cent more money to work for agencies in the public health service... Ryanair has defended the way it handled an incident in which a passenger was racially abused on board one of its... Ryanair has defended the way it handled an incident in which a passenger was racially abused on... Ryanair has defended the way it handled an incident in which a passenger was racially abused on... The coin depicts the vampire character looming behind his moonlit castle in Transylvania. Only 3,000 copies of the coin... The public have been asked for suggestions of ways to improve the treatment of LGBT people. Yesterday David Stanton, the junior equality minister, announced the beginning of a public consultation for a plan aimed at targeting... The public have been asked for suggestions of ways to improve the treatment of LGBT people. Yesterday David Stanton, the junior equality minister, announced the beginning of a public consultation for a plan aimed at targeting... The public have been asked for suggestions of ways to improve the treatment of LGBT people. There was a moment of drama in the British House of Lords on Thursday when Lord Hain, the former Labour MP and former Northern Ireland secretary, used parliamentary privilege to name Sir Philip Green as the businessman at the... There was a moment of drama in the British House of Lords on Thursday when Lord Hain, the former Labour MP and former... OUTSIDE The beautifully restored grey stone 18th-century mansion of Castle Durrow Hotel makes a great starting point for this ramble around the green Co Laois countryside. Our little group of walkers followed the Erkina River west through thick reedbeds... The beautifully restored grey stone 18th-century mansion of Castle Durrow Hotel makes a great... The beautifully restored grey stone 18th-century mansion of Castle Durrow Hotel makes a great... I believe that in rugby our rhetoric... There is often a considerable difference between what we say and what we do. I believe that in... There is often a considerable difference between what we say and what we do. I believe that in...
Alex Lozowski still does not know whether he will be able to play for England against South. A number of institutions have links to the pan. Sitting on top of an otherwise bare hillside, this scrappy handful of pines is a favourite landmark for. Even if you choose not to have your activity tracked by third parties for advertising services, you will still see non-personalized ads on our site. Steven Gerrard believes that his Elements team are good enough to beat Aberdeen tomorrow and win a. Thousands of teachers from across Scotland are expected to march in Glasgow today to demand improvements to their salary and working conditions. A hammer-wielding suspect has been arrested on suspicion of attempting to steal a ring of Magna Carta from Salisbury. times online dating A hammer-wielding suspect has been arrested on suspicion of attempting to steal a copy of Magna. The Royal College of. Bossard examined 5,000 marriage licenses filed in Philadelphia.
Phasellus lacinia porta ante, a mollis risus et. ac varius odio. Nunc at est massa. Integer nis gravida libero dui, eget cursus erat iaculis ut. Proin a nisi bibendum, bibendum purus id, ultrices nisi.